by angieduran | Dec 1, 2022 | Uncategorized
The holiday season is here and many people plan to donate to their favorite charities or give money or assets to their loved ones before the end of the year. Here are the basic tax rules involved in these transactions. Donating to charity In 2022, in order to receive...
by angieduran | Nov 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Two tax benefits are available to offset the expenses of adopting a child. In 2022, adoptive parents may be able to claim a credit against their federal tax for up to $14,890 of “qualified adoption expenses” for each child. This will increase to $15,950 in 2023....
by angieduran | Nov 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
Are you still using the optimal accounting method to handle your construction company’s tax deferrals? Depending on your business earnings, as well as your typical contract type and length, you can choose from various methods to align tax payments with contract...
by angieduran | Nov 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
The effects of inflation are all around. You’re probably paying more for gas, food, health care and other expenses than you were last year. Are you wondering how high inflation will affect your federal income tax bill for 2023? The IRS recently announced next year’s...
by angieduran | Oct 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
It’s no secret that the construction industry has been struggling with a skilled labor shortage for years now. More recent events, such as the pandemic and “the Great Resignation,” have only exacerbated matters. The situation can drive a contractor to desperation if...
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