Prior Articles
De-risking your pension plan through a lift-out
Private sector employers have been retreating from the defined benefit (DB) pension model of retirement plans for decades. This is largely motivated by a desire to “de-risk” the organization from an uncertain, long-term financial obligation. The COVID-19 pandemic has...
Drive more savings to your business with the heavy SUV tax break
Are you considering replacing a car that you’re using in your business? There are several tax implications to keep in mind. A cap on deductions Cars are subject to more restrictive tax depreciation rules than those that apply to other depreciable assets. Under...
4 ways to promote internal leadership development
Every employer’s greatest strength lies in its people. You can have the most advanced technology, the best researched strategic plans and the most perfectly nuanced messaging yet still come up short without strong leaders and competent employees. Where do great...
The QBI deduction basics and a year-end tax tip that might help you qualify
If you own a business, you may wonder if you’re eligible to take the qualified business income (QBI) deduction. Sometimes this is referred to as the pass-through deduction or the Section 199A deduction. The QBI deduction: Is available to owners of sole...
What is “transparency” of health care coverage?
Many employers, particularly large companies, pride themselves on being transparent about how and with whom they do business. The term “transparency,” however, isn’t limited to this widely discussed and debated topic. It also applies to group health plans. More...
Small businesses: Cash in on depreciation tax savers
As we approach the end of the year, it’s a good time to think about whether your business needs to buy business equipment and other depreciable property. If so, you may benefit from the Section 179 depreciation tax deduction for business property. The election...
IRS releases final instructions for payroll tax form related to COVID-19 relief
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government enacted legislation that includes deferral of the employer’s portion of Social Security tax. The IRS then significantly revised Form 941-X, “Adjusted Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return or Claim for...
Our offices will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving
In observance of Thanksgiving, our offices will be closed from Wednesday, November 25th through Sunday, November 29th. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, November 30th.
The importance of S corporation basis and distribution elections
S corporations can provide tax advantages over C corporations in the right circumstances. This is true if you expect that the business will incur losses in its early years because shareholders in a C corporation generally get no tax benefit from such losses....
2021 COLAs for popular fringe benefits
The IRS recently released 2021 cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) for a wide variety of tax-related limits, including those related to many popular fringe benefits. Here are some highlights to be aware of: Health Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). For 2021, the dollar...
Health Savings Accounts for your small business
Small business owners are well aware of the increasing cost of employee health care benefits. As a result, your business may be interested in providing some of these benefits through an employer-sponsored Health Savings Account (HSA). Or perhaps you already have an...
Agencies issue final regs addressing a COVID-19 vaccine and more
The IRS, U.S. Department of Labor and Department of Health and Human Services recently issued interim final regulations addressing group health plan coverage of COVID-19 preventive services — including vaccinations — and testing. The regulations are effective...
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DMA Accountancy Corporation
1400 N. Harbor Blvd., Ste #605
Fullerton, CA 92835